What an incredible General Conference. This was a good and busy week!
Tuesday we moved houses and wow! our new house is awesome! We had a lot of help from the youth in the ward and so it got done pretty quickly. And our new house looks American! It’s the best house I’ve ever had, I’ll send pics next week . . . all it needs is AC!
We found a new kid named Christian, he’s a referral from a recent convert. They’re both 13 years old and Christian is a little timid, but he’s great. We gained his confidence pretty quickly and got him laughing, he said he’s had missionaries visit him several times but he’s always said no. Recently he starting going to mutual and he’s loving it. He already wants to be a member of the church, but sadly he couldn’t come to conference, but next week he should be coming to church.
We also had a great lesson with a part-member family, the man is named Gustavo and his spouse is Dora, they’re not married. He’s been really casual about the fact that they’re not married and his girlfriend (the member) wants to get married because she knows it’s what she needs to do. So we talked about The Family a Proclamation to the World. We were straightforward and there was no beating around the bush. As we went through it paragraph by paragraph he started to realize what he needed to do. The spirit was strong and after we read it and talked about it, I asked him "So Gustavo, what do you need to do first to comply with what we just read?" and he said "Well, I need to get married" It was a great lesson and we were definitely led by the Spirit. We’re going over tonight to talk about the temple with them so that his goal won’t just be marriage, it will be eternal marriage.
We had other lessons with the other investigators but because of time, I want to talk about general conference . . . . What a conference! So many answers to prayers and was perfect for what we need not only as members of the Church, but the whole world. President Nelson’s talk especially impacted me. The Lord has no need for me if I have only the priesthood authority but no power. He needs men with the authority AND POWER. We need to be the kind of priesthood holders God can count on. Only with that power can we as men serve others and support our families and achieve happiness. The more Christ-like attributes we develop the more priesthood power we will have. Then elder Holland’s talk . . . . what a finish! That talk was definitely an answer to MANY prayers. Not just mine, but to the whole Church. God WANTS to bless us, we just need to keep trying. The Lord blesses those who WANT to improve. Heaven is rooting for us.
I’m so grateful to live in this dispensation, with Thomas S. Monson and the Twelve Apostles being led by our savior. There’s no other path to take, no other option, this is the Lord’s church and I know that it’s true. I can’t deny it nor will I ever. I’ve seen too any miracles and felt too many spiritual impressions to be able to do so.
Love you all so much,
Elder Hunt
PS: Congrats Dax on your mission call to Bolivia! My mission president served there and wow, does he have some great stories! Read Preach my Gospel and if you can, go out with the missionaries in your ward often.
PSS: And mom please send me pictures of LaRea’s prom night.