What a fantastic week!
So this week we went on splits with the zone leaders. Elder Jimenez was paired up with me and Elder Martinez went to Ariaga with Elder Garcia. Elder Jimenez is from Columbia and speaks really good English. He also was the trainer of Elder Schmitdlein from my batch in the MTC! It was great to work with Elder Jimenez. I learned a lot from him and can’t wait until I have 20 months of experience like he does. With him we found a new familia, Isacc and Maria Gonzalez. A mom and her son. It was great working with him. Wednesday(Christmas Eve) we had district meeting, took pictures, and then we went to Ariaga to pick up my companion. When we got back we ate some pretty dang good food.
So for Christmas Eve in Mexico, everyone does something called Noche Buena. It’s basically a Mexican Thanksgiving... kind of. Everyone gathers together with their family and makes tons of food. Then around 11:00 or midnight, they stuff it! So for our meal appointment we got some of that food, tacos, tostadas and some kind of salad. It was great. We went to Jafet afterward, but he wasn’t there so we couldn’t talk with his mom or him so that was kind of dissapointing.
Thursday was Incredible!! I talked with my Family! That was so great! I miss you all so much. I was glad to hear about everyone and to see snow! I think I forgot what cold feels like, but yeah, it was great to talk with everyone. I can’t wait until Mother’s Day. Hopefully I’ll be able to see Cam and Amber and Brit and Max and Ciera and Seth and my nieces and nephew next time, but seriously it was such a great day! Love and miss you all a ton.
Friday was pretty great day too. We found a new investigator. Her name is Laurelis, she’s great and really interested in our message. After we taught her, we went to the church for our activity navideƱa! We put on a play and sang and played guitar and ate food. It was great. After that it was kind of a hard week. We had a lot of appointments fall through and every time we went to Jafets house, he wasn’t there. This is definitely a trial to test our patience and to see if we will continue to put our trust in the Lord. It’s hard but I know that I’ll be able to reap the rewards "after the trial of my faith".
Love and miss you all a ton. Keep praying for Jafet, Marcos, Adan, and our new investigators. Thanks for everything!
Elder Hunt
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