I got the chingunkuya this week, well, at least I think so. It’s a nasty little virus that all the mosquitos have here in Chiapas, but don’t worry I’m doing fine.
So this is what happened this week.
Lunes- It was a fantastic birthday. We bought some pirated soccer jerseys and then ate some giant quesadillas! When we got to the restaurant the waiter asked me "are you elder hunt" and I was like "yeah why" and then he said "wait here" he then brought out a little folder and inside was a bunch of paper letters stung together that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ELDER HUNT". It was from my district . . . . I’ve got the best district ever!!!!!
Martes- My companion got sick on Tuesday so we just chilled in the house. I read a lot and caught up in my journal but at the end of the day, I had a really bad head ache. . . .
Miércoles- I wasn’t feeling so hot. We went to the doctor and he told me I had Chingunkuya! It’s an awful thing. It starts out with a head ache and then turns to a fever and then you get super exhausted and before you know it, you want to stab all your joints because of the pain (don’t think stabbing would help with the pain but that’s how you feel!) Knowing we had conference with President George the next day, I asked my companion to give me a blessing so I could feel better and go to conference. He did and we went to bed.
Jueves- I woke up and I still felt bad, but nowhere near the way had I felt the day before, so we were able to go to conference! It was great! President George is such a great man! When he speaks, you know he does it with the Spirit. We talked about so many things and I don’t have my notes with me but basically it was awesome! We ended with a testimony meeting and after I shared my testimony, my companion shared his. In his testimony he talked about obedience (something he’s struggled with a lot in the mission. I have some stories about him that’ll have to wait till I get home, but he’s doing great now) and the importance of obedience and living with exactness. Then he thanked me for always pushing him to be more obedient! It was good to hear him say that. I honestly don’t think I’m the most obedient missionary but it felt good to know that someone else was benefitting from my example! We got home and the sickness started to come back but I was thankful that I was able to make it to conference.
Viernes- I was sick all day and it was so boring, but I was able to finish "Divine Signatures" (FANTASTIC BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and read like 10 chapters in Alma.
Sábado- We relaxed a bit more but by about 4 I was feeling good enough to go out and work. So we did and we taught Jonathan! Such a great guy. He’s the guy from Nicaragua whose brother is going to be a missionary. We taught him about baptism and the gospel of Jesus Christ and he wants to be baptized!!!!
Domingo- I feel better! We went to church and Choncita and her family came (minus Jaime) and it turned out great. We were kind of bummed that Jonathan couldn’t come. We were sure he was going to come. We were able to visit him again and it was a great lesson. He thanked us for always stopping by to visit him and never giving up on him. His life is so sad. He basically told us, out of all his family and friends, we are the only ones that don’t give up on him.
The gospel is true. It blesses families. I love being a missionary and seeing the change in these people’s lives. Love and miss you all a ton!
Elder Hunt
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